Our School
At Antingham and Southrepps Primary School safety always takes priority. The Headteacher and the Governors make regular checks of the building, ensure that risk assessments are regularly updated and safety guidelines followed. We keep a copy of the school’s Health and Safety Policy in the school office for you to view should you wish to do so.
Please keep us updated about any medical requirements your child may need. Parents will need to complete a medical form from the school office for any child who needs to take medicine in school, including inhalers.
All accidents at school are recorded on CPOMS. All staff are trained first aiders and will administer any treatment they feel is necessary and you will be informed at the end of the school day. Mrs Matthews and Mrs Smith are our paediatric first aiders.
If any injury requires further treatment or assessment, you will be contacted immediately. Please ensure that we are kept up to date if there are any changes to your contact details.
We have regular fire drills each term, or whenever we have new staff joining us. We prepare the younger children for these events so they are not frightened, but if your child is particularly sensitive, please let the class teacher know.
We all have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children during their time at our school. If you have any concerns about a child or adult, please speak to Mr Elcock (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Flatman) (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) in person or by telephone on 01263 833282.
All visitors are asked to sign in and wear a visitor sticker or red lanyard so that all staff and children know that everyone who is on site is ‘safe’. All visitors are asked to carry our safeguarding leaflet which explains our safeguarding policies and our fire evacuation arrangements.
Regular visitors are asked to complete additional reading regarding our policies and procedures that keep our school a safe place.
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